Open Call

SECURED Open Call evaluation process results

We are pleased to announce that the evaluation of the Open Call proposals has been completed, the results have been communicated to the applicants, and the implementation period is now starting.

After a thorough review and ranking of all submitted proposals, we have selected the following five proposals for funding:

  1. Advanced Healthcare Data Anonymization Platform (InviseeAI) – PRIVACT P.C.
    Focus: Leveraging advanced anonymization techniques to create a scalable healthcare data anonymization platform.
  2. Enhancing GDM Management Using Synthetic Data – ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI
    Focus: Using synthetic data and machine learning to enhance the management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM).
  3. Securing AI Analytics of Cross-border Health Data Using Robust Encryption (seCURE) – University of Patras
    Focus: Applying robust encryption methods to secure cross-border health data analytics and AI tools.
  4. Robokid: AI-Based Crisis Simulation for Child Support Handlers – Kék Vonal Gyermekkrízis Alapítvány
    Focus: Developing AI-driven crisis simulation tools for professionals supporting children in crisis.
  5. Cancer Patient Synthetic Data Generation for Quality of Life (CaPSyDeL) – Care Across Ltd
    Focus: Generating synthetic data to enhance the quality of life for cancer patients through predictive analytics.

These proposals align with SECURED’s objectives and demonstrate strong innovation, feasibility, and impact potential.

For more detailed information, read the Final Evaluation Report.

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